E-1, Sector- 56, NOIDA Distt. G.B.Nagar(UP) - 201301

Child Guidance and Counselling


  1. Students should come to school on time.
  2. Students should greet their teachers with respect both inside and outside the school.
  3. Immoral behavior and grave disobedience shall not be tolerated and will attract disciplinary action.
  4. Every student is expected to have at least 75% attendance. Late arrivals are not permitted. Defaulters will be punished or fined.
  5. Running and shouting in the school premises is not allowed.
  6. Students, while changing classes or leaving for home, must walk silently in a single line.
  7. Defacing, damaging, and pilfering school property is strictly forbidden. Students found doing so will be liable for disciplinary action and full recovery of damages.
  8. The school reserves the right to expel a student who is irregular in attendance and whose conduct inside or outside the school is harmful to the institution or fellow students.
  9. All students must carry their Identity Cards at all times.
  10. Students are not permitted to bring cell phones, electronic gadgets, or any costly items to school.
  11. No student is permitted to bring any vehicle except a bicycle to school.
  12. To acquire a good command of the English language, which is the medium of instruction for all subjects, students should speak only in English within the school premises.
  13. Violation of school rules and regulations, as well as the code of conduct, will render the concerned student liable for punishment, including removal from the school rolls.
  14. Every student should carry the School Diary regularly and come to school neat and clean, dressed in full school uniform.
  15. Girl students should not wear ornaments and are not allowed to use nail polish, makeup, or mehendi.
  16. When moving along corridors or up and down stairs while changing classes, students should walk to the left in silence.
  17. All students should take pride in keeping the school premises clean. During recess, they should ensure not to litter the compound, corridor, or roads with lunch scraps, fruit peels, polythene, napkins, etc. They should use the dustbins provided in the school and encourage others to do the same.
  18. Irregular attendance, habitual idleness, neglect of homework, disobedience, disrespect towards staff, dishonesty, or bad moral influence may justify dismissal.
  19. No student is allowed to bring firecrackers to school. Any child found in possession of or bursting firecrackers within the school premises will face strict disciplinary action.



  1. A student’s name and date of birth, once entered in the school record, will not be changed under any circumstances. Valid proof, such as a Birth Certificate or a countersigned Transfer Certificate (T.C.), is required at the time of admission.
  2. Parents are requested to check their child’s Almanac daily and sign any remarks, taking necessary action when required.
  3. If a student remains absent without prior information for more than three days, their name will be struck off the school rolls and will only be re-admitted upon payment of re-admission charges at the discretion of the school authorities. No leave will be sanctioned without a leave application.
  4. If your child is absent, kindly inform the school in writing.
  5. If there is any special information regarding your child, please communicate it to the class teacher in writing through the Almanac.
  6. No half-day leave will be granted to any student.
  7. Absence without prior intimation is not permissible without an application.
  8. Parents are not allowed to walk into classrooms or take their ward during school hours without permission.
  9. Students suffering from infectious or contagious diseases shall not be allowed to attend classes until fully cured. Parents should not send sick children to school for the safety of others. A medical certificate from an M.B.B.S. doctor is mandatory for sick leave.

    Period for which children should not attend school for specific diseases:

    • Chickenpox: Till scabs have fallen off (2 to 3 weeks)
    • Viral Hepatitis: Seven days
    • Measles: Seven days from the appearance of rash
    • Mumps: Nine days after the onset of swelling
  10. Parents are requested to make proper entries in the visitor’s book at the main gate.
  11. No monetary collection for any purpose will be made in the school without prior permission from the Principal.
  12. No examination or unit test will be conducted for absentees before or after the scheduled time.
  13. If a student misses the final examination due to illness, promotion will be based on performance throughout the year at the discretion of the Principal.
  14. Students who fail twice in the same class will not be permitted to continue in the school.
  15. Parents are requested to attend Parent-Teacher Meetings (P.T.M.) when called.
  16. The academic year will be divided into two terms as per CHSE norms.
  17. Any student found cheating or attempting to cheat during an examination will be given a zero in the paper and will not be allowed to appear for any other paper. Talking, making signs, exchanging seats, or using chits will be considered as attempts to cheat.
  18. The results of the examinations are final and cannot be reconsidered.
  19. A fee hike will occur every year as per government norms.

A high standard of education with special emphasis on overall development of children without exerting heavy financial burden on the parents, is one of the characteristics of this school.

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E-1, Sector- 56, NOIDA Distt. Gautam Budh Nagar (UP) - 201301

Phone: 2583142, 2589078, 2490675

Email: info@uttarakhandpublicschool.com

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